Sometimes I come across other photographers whose work I really like and who want to build their online presence. As a rule, I am very happy to work with such people to help share their work with the world. These galleries are a mix of professional and amateur photographers, and if the artist is available for work, I will include their contact details and the rough area where they normally operate.
Raymond is definitely a special case in a good way, in that he has my old Canon 1000D camera and is putting it to great use. Raymond specialises in bird and nature photography, and he has been working on composition techniques to get better at taking really good images.
Raymond has been learning a bit about how to edit photos from me using post-processing software, so in time more of his images will be wholly his own work rather than a joint effort.
Raymond lives and works in the Scottish heartlands, and as yet he is uncomfortable with the idea of taking paid work as a photographer. If you like what you see and would like to get in touch with him, just use the main site contact form and your query will be forwarded to him.
Magere Hein is a lifelong photographer with decades of experience, starting with film photography and the development thereof and progressing to digital photography. Currently he uses his Canon DSLR to shoot all sorts of subjects, with a particular love of nature, astronomy and landscapes, including cityscapes. Magere is a computer programmer by profession, living and working in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
If you would like to speak with Magere, either get in touch or sign up on our forum.
© 2025 Aegis Photography | Site built by Aegis Web Design
All rights reserved. Photographs on the site (excluding logos) can be used for personal purposes, but please get in touch if you want to make use of any image for commercial purposes and the webmaster will put you in touch with the copyright holder. Aegis Photography is a trading style of Aegis Financial Consulting Ltd. Website built and hosted by Aegis Web Design.
Ooh, I like Raymond’s picture of glassware. The coat of arms of Amsterdam top centre suggests it’s a museum piece. Slightly mysterious lighting, mildly grail-like form. Nice.
Uh, he’s already got one, you see.
Yep, it’s a lovely shot, assuming you mean this one:
Just added a few more pictures to Raymond’s gallery.